- Why USA? The Purpose of your Visit?
- Why this University? How did you know about this school?
- What’s your Specialization?
- Why your specialization in this particular university and in US?
- What’s your Academic Scores?
- Do you have any Backlogs?
- GRE/ TOEFL / ETS Test scores
- What’s your father?
- Work Experience and details of Professional career like the details of the company, pays and perks, job role and responsibilities, and clients?
- In the case of low academics, why so low? With so low academics, how can you pursue Master’s?
- How long have you been working at this company? / Why Masters now?
- What are your future plans after Masters?
- Program/ Specialization based
- Project details of your Bachelors?
- Project details of your profession, if any?
- How do you plan to pay the tuition fee?
- What’s the Scope of your Major?
- Reason for gap In case of gap after Bachelors?
Questions with Assistantships / PhD
How did you approach professors and get the support for this Assistantship?
Education Loan
How did you manage this Loan /what are the terms & conditions of this Loan
How do you plan to re-pay this education loan?
Income Based: Business
Details about father’s Business (example: Nature of the business, turnover of the business, how many employees etc)?
Remarks made by VO’s in Middle of Interview
No more cock and bull stories. The answer should be precise and simple.
- How did you apply to University? Did you Approach any Agency?
- How did you get this Education Loan?
- Details of the city you are planning to stay?
- Got any knowledge on Career opportunities at this University?
- Who helped you Selection of Schools?
- Details about your SOP?
- What’s your future “dream job”?
- What are the technical skills you acquire?
- Do you have any of your siblings in USA?
- It is advised to take the onus for your failures like low Scores or Backlogs
- Try to be spontaneous while answering and maintain a decent/ high tone
- While you are informing about your finances, say totals, or total amount
- Nonetheless, VISA depends upon a student’s confidence and the way he presented it. All the documentation and banking part is second